All major sections and features are keyboard navigable via shift+KEY. Holding shift will show quick-jump keys.
Secondary features that are keyboard-navigable:
People are the major objects. Organizations contain projects. Projects contain members. Members are people with a role assigned which means you can assign a person to multiple projects or even the same project with a different role.
Roles require a numerical relevance to order importance.
Tags give another grouping capability across everything.
Organizations, projects, and people all have communication entries so you can create actionable links (phone, message, slack...) and uses the free tier of fontawesome for icons. Don't worry - it can search for you.
We really don't want your data. It's yours. The best way to do that is for you to host your own DB. It does require Postgres 15 (at time of writing). Testing was done with and nothing else. They were pretty easy to spin up and should have enough capacity to remain in their free tier. If enough people want to expand testing - it will be looked into.
For Neon - create a free db, purchase the BYODB package, drop your connection string (with user/pass in plain text), non-pooled into your profile page... and then log out and back in. Hopefully you will see a new schema light up with all the necessary structures. Rolo will keep migrations going every time you login (nothing in the background).
Rolo highly suggests you use your own DB and make sure it's specifically for Rolo. This is your data, your network, your way. Rolo will add indexes to increase performance, but you can adjust your instance to your liking. Currently it is suggested to be around the Pacific Coast area if possible. Will help with latency until more regions are rolled out (assuming things go well!).